Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Collapse (Movie Watch)

Americans generally like to hear good news & believe that a new President will right old wrongs, that clean energy will replace dirty oil & fresh thinking will set the economy right. American pundits tend to restrain their pessimism & hope for the best. But is anyone prepared for the worst? Michael Ruppert, a former L.A. police officer turned independent reporter, is a different kind of American predicting the current financial crisis in his newsletter “From the Wilderness” at a time when most Wall Street & Washington analysts were in denial.

Trailer HERE

1 comment:

  1. Collapse movie is a documentary based on the story of an estranged father and his son who must confront the past, after a disaster traps the two of them inside a coal-mine. I had watched it online and you can also watch collapse movie from this link..
